Del Rio Dogo Argentinos
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Fall 2005 litter
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Here are some of my favorite photos.  Huaica de el Tumi (wyka), Parrish Acres Brillante del Rio (bri-yawn-taye) and Del Rio Detroit. 800 more pics can be viewed at (photo island has been taken down, once a new host is found, link will be updated)  Use the login: dogo and password: dogo to view the pictures taken prior to Sept. 2003. To see pics from Sept. 2003 to present, use the login: puppies & password: puppies 

Detroit 4 months. He is Bri's son & Huaica is his paternal great-grandmother

Huaica 7 years old

Multi CH Parrish Acres Brillante del Rio, DNA-P, CGC
"Bri" has 3 Best in Show wins to her name.  She was ARBA's 2002 #1 Dogo.  She was also on UKC's Top 10 for 2003.  Brillante has been shown with FCM in Mexico, ARBA and UKC.  She has passed her AKC CGC and has participated in agility with me for several years -- although no agility titles yet -- her heat cycles keep us out of competition.  Bri was the only female dogo in 2001 to have OFA certified hips, she was also the ONLY dogo in 2003 to have CERF clear eyes.  Bri is also the only dogo on record to have OFA clear thyroid.  She has also been BAER tested and has normal hearing in both ears.  She also has OFA clear elbows.  Bri is also DNA profilied with AKC and UKC.  click here for Bri's OFA page
Del Rio Detroit, DNA-P, CGC
"Detroit" is my boy!  He reminds me immensly of his great-grandmother, Huaica.  I showed Detroit with UKC as a puppy, but did not earn a CH title before I had him neutered.  I have also showed him with National Canine Association where he not only took Breed and Group wins, but also a Best In Show win -- just like his mother, father and several of his grandparents.  Prior to starting agility, Detroit was given a clean bill of health.  He has OFA certified cardiac, OFA good hips ( he and his uncle/cousin "Diego" and his aunt "Bruja" are the only 3 dogos of breeding age with OFA hip ratings over Fair as of 2004).  Detroit also have been DNA profilied with both AKC and UKC.  And, like his mother and many siblings, he has also passed the AKC CGC test.  Watch for Detroit's pictures in several upcoming publications in 2005.  Like his mother, Detroit is also a natural at agility.  Our goal is to make it to the Nationals. click here for Detroit's OFA page.
Huaica de el Tumi, CGC
Although no longer with us, she will never be forgotten. Unlike Brillante and Detroit, Huaica was unable to pass the health tests.  Although not crippled, she did have radiographic hip dysplasia.  Her hip X-rays were so bad that my vet said he had seen crippled dogs with better X-rays than hers.  Fortunately for Huaica, she had both a very high tolerance to pain and great musculature.  Without X-rays, I never would've known.  Huaica also had cataracts.  Huaica passed the AKC CGC test in 1998 prior to certificates being given out.  Her hearing was never checked, although I know she could hear out of at least one ear.  Huaica has been pictured in Arizona Woman, Canine Concpts, and had been on Fox 10 News and Channel 3 News here in Arizona.


Brillante 3.5 years with her ribbons

ARBA CH Parrish Acre Brillante Del Rio, CGC
There was only 1 other dogo here, Bri took BOB 4x, Group 1 3x, Group 2 1x, BIS 2x

Brillante 3 years

Brillante 6 mnths

Bri 14 weeks, Huaica 7 years

Detroit 16 months old

Detroit 22 months old 25.5" 94 lbs